There are a few design blogs that EVERYONE adores and sfgirlbybay is one of them. Victoria Smith really "adds to the party" with her originial content and insight from her impressive experience in decorating, producing and writing. I'm so thrilled to have her share her answers with us today. I've also included some photos from her Pacific Heights home that emphasize HallReady concepts.
Name: Victoria Smith
Occupation: Writer/editor/creative director of - a daily design blog featuring new product reviews, shopping tips, including art, photography and design resources, as well as home entertaining and lifestyle stories.
Last purchase you made that is hanging on your wall? I purchased a Leigh Beisch photograph for my birthday last year. It was my first piece of 'grown-up' collector's art.
What's the item you've had the longest hanging on your wall? I have a painting of a San Francisco cable car that my parents gave me when I moved up here from Los Angeles. It's by an artist named Flavia, and they purchased it really inexpensively in the 1960's, in one of those grocery store parking lot art fairs you see around the city sometimes. It is now somewhat valuable.
Favorite place to buy art? Flea markets, and vintage shops. I collect old portraits, the more kitschy the better, and usually find them at the flea market, or online at ebay.
Do you collect anything? Yes - too much. I collect portraits, as I mentioned, vintage aprons, as well as white and aqua-colored pottery, vintage cameras and books. My book shelf collapsed recently from the weight of all the books on it!
Any advice for those exhibiting art in their homes? I like to keep 'like-objects' together in groupings (i.e. all my portraits together on one wall). But I just start with one and work around it, hanging art as I go, based on what I like together. I don't plan it out. It's more about what is visually appealing to me. I would say hang art that means something personal to you, and you will love it that much more.
To learn more about Victoria check out her blog and etsy shop: &
Occupation: Writer/editor/creative director of - a daily design blog featuring new product reviews, shopping tips, including art, photography and design resources, as well as home entertaining and lifestyle stories.
Last purchase you made that is hanging on your wall? I purchased a Leigh Beisch photograph for my birthday last year. It was my first piece of 'grown-up' collector's art.
What's the item you've had the longest hanging on your wall? I have a painting of a San Francisco cable car that my parents gave me when I moved up here from Los Angeles. It's by an artist named Flavia, and they purchased it really inexpensively in the 1960's, in one of those grocery store parking lot art fairs you see around the city sometimes. It is now somewhat valuable.
Favorite place to buy art? Flea markets, and vintage shops. I collect old portraits, the more kitschy the better, and usually find them at the flea market, or online at ebay.
Do you collect anything? Yes - too much. I collect portraits, as I mentioned, vintage aprons, as well as white and aqua-colored pottery, vintage cameras and books. My book shelf collapsed recently from the weight of all the books on it!
Any advice for those exhibiting art in their homes? I like to keep 'like-objects' together in groupings (i.e. all my portraits together on one wall). But I just start with one and work around it, hanging art as I go, based on what I like together. I don't plan it out. It's more about what is visually appealing to me. I would say hang art that means something personal to you, and you will love it that much more.
To learn more about Victoria check out her blog and etsy shop: &